Exploding Danelectro Reveals Gibson Marauder In A Pile of Dirty LaundryThis took place years ago, in a southside Youngstown, Ohio basement. As an outsider, I was warned against stopping at stop signs while…Mar 19, 2024Mar 19, 2024
The Ups and Downs of the Command LineStudents new to the command line always panic and bust a spring when you start making folders and nested folders and multiple files in a…Dec 2, 2020Dec 2, 2020
Too Many Resources, Not Enough TimeThe other day I was reading an essay or article from a developer, I can’t even remember what, and the writer mentioned a website where you…Nov 19, 2020Nov 19, 2020
Published inAn Idea (by Ingenious Piece)On Giving Up and Looking At The AnswerIt Can Help You Move ForwardNov 7, 2020Nov 7, 2020
A Year In The CodeI’ve passed my one year anniversary of coding. Or rather, I’ve finished Year Zero, and this is the start of Year One. A year ago, (and it…Sep 22, 2020Sep 22, 2020
The Solid Joy of GoodPop freezer popsWhen I used to do the grocery shopping some years back I found some 100% fruit juice popsicles, the kind in a plastic sleeve. I bought…Aug 15, 2020Aug 15, 2020
Memory Problems in UtahI can’t quite say it’s a regret that I never explored the American West outside California when I was younger, but in hindsight it seems…Apr 22, 2019Apr 22, 2019
The Chinese Restaurant Tea Miracle — A 5 Star ExperienceWhat can you say about a restaurant that has over 8000 online reviews, 6000 of them positively glowing and 2000 of them full of hate and…Jan 29, 2019Jan 29, 2019
A Tale of Two Jacksons (and how I couldn’t love them)I’ve been a Strat person since 1990 or so, when I bought a MIJ flower power Strat from a little music store in Akron that later burned…Jan 15, 2019Jan 15, 2019
Never Getting Good At Really Bad ChessJanuary 13, 2017 — the day my life, or at least my sedentary hours, of which there are many, changed.Jan 9, 2019Jan 9, 2019