Memory Problems in Utah

Andy Kohler
9 min readApr 22, 2019

I can’t quite say it’s a regret that I never explored the American West outside California when I was younger, but in hindsight it seems like, for me, there could have been more viable/interesting options than moving to the seemingly unforgiving Bay Area from ’03 — ’04. When I was nearing the end of college in ‘99, it was Denver I was thinking of, Kerouac’s Denver of Cody Pomeroy and his pool hall adventures of Larimer Street (in 2015 I finally made it to Larimer Street and had breakfast at a hipster place). I never pulled the trigger on Denver after college. I ended up falling in long distance love with northern…



Andy Kohler

I’ve been on earth awhile. I write about food, books, guitars, cars, travel, coding and so on.