Member-only story
The Solid Joy of GoodPop freezer pops
When I used to do the grocery shopping some years back I found some 100% fruit juice popsicles, the kind in a plastic sleeve. I bought them on a whim and found that they were pretty tasty. I don’t remember much about them except I used to eat several at once. Then the store stopped carrying them and that was it.
Fast forward to present, when my wife found GoodPop freezer pops for sale online and bought some for me. Coincidentally I was watching The Mandalorian at the same time and started eating nightly freezer pops. You know how it is when you’re watching something entertaining yet stressful and you’re munching like a robot. My basement office, where I was watching TV, is pretty chilly anyway but with the AC on was positively freezing so I was under a blanket, with hat and flannel on, watching TV and scarfing popsicles which were just making me colder.
One night I ended up eating a whole bag. That’s 24 freezer pops. The nice thing was, a serving turned out to be 3 freezer pops, so technically I’d only eaten 7x too many instead of 23x too many, which seemed good.
It’s not often you stumble across something that fits into your life so seamlessly. I knew I had a problem when I almost had a GoodPop while working and then cautioned myself not to. You don’t want to open that door, I told myself. An hour later I didn’t care anymore…